

Use this function to retrieve a custom string and its associated value. There are a number of predefined strings you can use, or you can add new ones using LVCA_SetCustomStringData.

Return Value

This function returns true if successful, otherwise false will be returned. Call LVCA_GetLastCallError to retrieve the error code and message.

Supported on Events:



The following property names contain predefined values you can access using LVCA_GetCustomStringData. Using LVCA_SetCustomStringData, you can set other values and access them using GetCustomStringData.


Possible values: LVCA_VALUE_CALLTYPE_INBOUND or LVCA_VALUE_CALLTYPE_OUTBOUND. This represents whether the call is inbound or outbound.


Possible values: a string that contains the Automatic Number Identification, i.e. the outbound caller ID.


Possible values: a string that contains the Dialed Number Identification Service, i.e. the inbound caller ID.


Possible values: a string containing additional caller ID information.


Possible values: a string that contains the name of the Platform module the call is currently in.


Possible values: a string that contains the Platform's installation directory.


An alternate confidence score for strings of digits. It adds the lowest confidence score of an individual digit to the average confidence score of the set of digits, and divides that sum by two. This means that the confidence score for the set of digits will be weighted more heavily toward the lowest score.

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