Naming Your Project

The first step when you create a new Project should be creating a project name. Doing so allows you to save your project and open it later. If you do not name your project it can be difficult to find it at a later time. To name your project:

  1. Go to the "Project Tab" in the "Properties Window".
  2. Double click in the "Value" column beside "Project Name." This will open up a box where you can type in the name of the project. For the purposes of this tutorial, type in " (Your name)'s Tutorial" and hit enter.
  3. Double Click in the "Value" column beside "Project". This will open up a box where you can type in a description of the project. Type in "Section One." Then hit enter.

The application will now have the title of "Platform - (Your Name)'s Tutorial" in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Save your changes by clicking on File > Save.

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