The Main Window

The Platform Call Handler main window is divided into three areas. The upper left pane displays general information. The upper right pane displays information about the status of each line. Finally, system messages can be found in the bottom pane. All of the pane sizes can be adjusted with the splitter bars. On systems with low screen resolutions the system messages will not be visible unless the bottom splitter bar is moved up to display it.

The Menu Bar

The File Menu

Start - This will start the services for the Platform Call Handler.

Immediate Shutdown - Shuts down all lines, including active calls.

Exit - Closes the Platform Call Handler.

The View Menu

Settings - Clicking on this menu item will open the Settings dialog.

General Information

Active Calls - The count of active calls is displayed here.

Total Calls Answered - The count of calls answered since the services started.

Status - This is the number of lines that can answer a call.

Line Information

Line - This the line number.

Status - The status of the line.

Project - The project that is loaded for that line. This can be controlled from the Line Settings menu.

Module - While a line has an active call, this field displays the module within the Platform project that the call is in.

Last Module - The previous module the caller was in.

Last Concept - The last concept said by the caller, as recognized by the Speech Engine.

System Messages

System Messages is the bottom pane. Any important messages will be displayed here. Also, some Call Flow errors will only be displayed here. It is important to watch for messages while testing your Platform Projects when problems are occurring.

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