Setting up the Global Module
The Global Module is active at all times during a call. Words you enter into the Grammar s area in
the Global Module will be active throughout each call, in addition to any Grammars that are in specific
Modules. This is a good place to enter in words that your caller may say at any time, such as
"Customer Service", "Main Menu", or "Goodbye".
The Global Module is also a good place to set up No Inputs, No Matches and an Error Handler as they will
be active throughout each call.
- Return to the Call Flow View.
- Open the Global Module.
- Right click on the word "Global" in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
A popup menu appears. Click on "Add No Input".
A "No Input Count" box will open. It will automatically have the Count set as 1, which means
this No Input will take effect the first time a caller doesn't say anything after the system asks a question.
Click "OK".
A "No Input #1" will be added beneath the Main. Right click on it and a popup menu will appear with
a list of Actions you can add.
- Choose "Add Vox".
- Make this Vox a Quick Vox that says, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. Please speak loudly and clearly".
- Right click on the words "Global [Global Module]".
- A popup menu will appear. Click on "Add No Match"
A "No Match Count" box will open. It will automatically have the Count set as 1, which means this
No Match will take effect the first time a caller says anything that does not appear within the grammar.
Click "OK".
A "No Match #1" will be added beneath the Main. Right click on it and a popup menu appears with a list of
Actions you can add.
- Choose "Add Vox".
Make this Vox a Quick Vox that says, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said. I will now transfer you to
Customer Service".
- Right click on "No Match #1" and choose "Add Transfer" from the popup menu.
- Click once on the word "Transfer" to highlight it.
- Double click on the blank cell to the right of the "Phone Number" cell in the Properties Table
A Yellow box will pop open. Type in "&, 102." This means the system will do a flash hook, pause, and
then dial extension 102. For more information about programming Transfers, click