Setting up the Global Module

The Global Module is active at all times during a call. Words you enter into the Grammar s area in the Global Module will be active throughout each call, in addition to any Grammars that are in specific Modules. This is a good place to enter in words that your caller may say at any time, such as "Customer Service", "Main Menu", or "Goodbye".

The Global Module is also a good place to set up No Inputs, No Matches and an Error Handler as they will be active throughout each call.

  1. Return to the Call Flow View.
  2. Open the Global Module.
  3. Right click on the word "Global" in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
  4. A popup menu appears. Click on "Add No Input".
  5. A "No Input Count" box will open. It will automatically have the Count set as 1, which means this No Input will take effect the first time a caller doesn't say anything after the system asks a question. Click "OK".
  6. A "No Input #1" will be added beneath the Main. Right click on it and a popup menu will appear with a list of Actions you can add.
  7. Choose "Add Vox".
  8. Make this Vox a Quick Vox that says, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said. Please speak loudly and clearly".
  9. Right click on the words "Global [Global Module]".
  10. A popup menu will appear. Click on "Add No Match"
  11. A "No Match Count" box will open. It will automatically have the Count set as 1, which means this No Match will take effect the first time a caller says anything that does not appear within the grammar. Click "OK".
  12. A "No Match #1" will be added beneath the Main. Right click on it and a popup menu appears with a list of Actions you can add.
  13. Choose "Add Vox".
  14. Make this Vox a Quick Vox that says, "I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said. I will now transfer you to Customer Service".
  15. Right click on "No Match #1" and choose "Add Transfer" from the popup menu.
  16. Click once on the word "Transfer" to highlight it.
  17. Double click on the blank cell to the right of the "Phone Number" cell in the Properties Table
  18. A Yellow box will pop open. Type in "&, 102." This means the system will do a flash hook, pause, and then dial extension 102. For more information about programming Transfers, click here.
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