Adding Concepts and Phrases to the Grammar List
Earlier, you created a Vox in the Main Menu asking, "Are you interested in locations, hours of
operation, or pet care products?" This means three concepts need to be entered into the Main Menu's
Grammar : Location, Hours of Operation, and Pet Care Products.
First, you will need to add a Concept and Phrases for "Locations".
- In the Main Menu Module , right click on the word "Grammar."
- Choose "New Concept" from the box that pops up.
- The "Create a Concept" box will pop up.
- Type "Locations" in the space labeled "New Concept."
- Check the boxes to add a Confirmation and Response.
- Type "locations" in the blank field beneath the word "Phrases."
Click the "Add" button to add the phrase to the blank lower field. You have just added
"locations" to the list of phrases that describe "Locations."
Click "OK."
Notice that there is now a light bulb labeled "Locations" in the Grammar list. This represents
the Concept of Locations. Beneath it is the word Phrases, marked with a large blue double quote. These
are the Phrases you entered that fit into the general concept of "Locations." There is also a
Confirmation and a Response in the "Locations" Concept.
- Repeat steps 1-8 with "Hours of Operation" and "Pet Care Products."
If you click on the plus sign [+] next to Phrases it will open up and show the Phrases you entered. Your
screen should now look like this: