The List Module
A List Module is a Module that allows you to present a list of choices for your customers to choose
from. Then they can state the choice they are interested in and be directed to an appropriate response.
There are four Modules that allow your customers to speak, and then listen to the response that directs
them to the appropriate information they want. These are the Overview Module, the List Module, the
Yes/No Module, and the Multilevel Module.
This section will help you develop the Main Menu area of your Speech Application. Your Main Menu was
created using a List module, which was placed in the Call Flow View and renamed "Main Menu".
The principles you learn by working on your Main Menu will apply when working with any List Module.
To get started, double click on the Module titled "Main Menu". This will bring you to the
Module View.
Click on the plus sign [+] to the left of the Main arrow. Add a Vox by right clicking on Main. Now Record
a Quick vox asking "Are you interested in locations, hours of operation, or pet care products?"
Fill in the transcript and your voice when you recod.
Unlike the Start Module you worked with earlier, the List Module has a Listen as its Terminal Action. A
Listen Action tells the program to listen to the caller. It will then try to match what they say to the
information you enter in the Grammar. This is the list marked with the little green book in the lower middle
section of the screen.