tblLVST_Answers |
Top level answer table |
tblLVST_AnswerUsed |
Answer used detail table |
tblLVST_ApplicationCallLogFields |
Application call log data table |
tblLVST_ApplicationLogFields |
Application interaction log data table |
tblLVST_ASRResult |
ASR Result table |
tblLVST_Audio |
Audio binary table |
tblLVST_AudioData |
Audio data detail table |
tblLVST_CallInteractions |
The call interactions table |
tblLVST_Calls |
The calls in the database |
tblLVST_CustomApplicationCallData |
Custom Application call log data table |
tblLVST_CustomApplicationInteractionData |
Custom Application interaction log data table |
tblLVST_DBVersion |
DB Version information |
tblLVST_DecodePlatform |
Decode Platform detail table |
tblLVST_GrammarContent |
Grammar content table |
tblLVST_GrammarDetail |
URL, grammar name information table |
tblLVST_GrammarMessages |
Grammar message log table |
tblLVST_GrammarSet |
Set of grammars information table |
tblLVST_InterKeyValue |
Filter key and value table |
tblLVST_NBest_Answers |
N-best answer table |
tblLVST_RequestedAcousticModels |
Acoustic model information for each interaction table |
tblLVST_Requests |
The request for each interaction |
tblLVST_ScoringProtocol |
Kind of scoring methods |
tblLVST_SemanticObjects |
Each semantic object for each interaction |
tblLVST_SemanticResults |
Each semantic result for each interaction |
tblLVST_StringTable |
The string id, and the actual string |
tblLVST_Transcripts |
Transcript for each interaction (including transcript history) |
tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned |
Each transcript word for each transcript |
tblLVST_TranscriptScores |
The score for each scoring protocol |
tblLVST_Audio_cAudioFormat |
The constant id, and the actual definition for audio format |
tblLVST_Audio_cAudioType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for audio type |
tblLVST_CustomApplicationCall Data_cUserDefinedType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for user defined type |
tblLVST_CustomApplication InteractionData_cUserDefinedType
The constant id, and the actual definition for user defined type |
tblLVST_GrammarContent_cGContentEncoding |
The constant id, and the actual definition for grammar encoding |
tblLVST_GrammarContent_cGContentFormat |
The constant id, and the actual definition for grammar format |
tblLVST_GrammarMessages_cMessageType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for grammar message type |
tblLVST_ScoringProtocol_cDomainType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for scoring protocol domain |
tblLVST_SemanticObjects_cObjectType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for semantic object type |
tblLVST_SemanticResults_cSIProtocol |
The constant id, and the actual definition for scoring protocol type |
tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cInVocabulary |
The constant id, and the actual definition for in/out vocabulary |
tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cScoreType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for transcript word score type |
tblLVST_TranscriptScores_cScoreType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for transcript score type |
tblLVST_Transcripts_cTranscriptType |
The constant id, and the actual definition for transcript type |