
Table Description:

Stores all of the transcriptions for an interaction.

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
InteractionID INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
Transcript VARCHAR 900 N/A N/A
cTranscriptType INTEGER


N/A tblLVST_Transcripts _cTranscriptType
Gender CHAR 1 N/A N/A
Notes VARCHAR 900 N/A N/A
DateEntered TIMESTAMP N/A 0 N/A
AsideF Integer N/A 0 N/A
CheckF Integer N/A 0 N/A
ChoppedF Integer N/A 0 N/A
PartialF Integer N/A 0 N/A
stTranscriber Integer N/A 0 N/A
Version Integer N/A 0 N/A

Primary Keys:


Foreign Key Reference Table Reference Key
InteractionID tblLVST_CallInteractions InteractionID
cTranscriptType tblLVST_Transcripts_cTranscriptType ConstantValue
stTranscriber tblLVST_StringTable StringID

Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
InteractionID The transcript itself. This can be empty, although that is rare; usually even when the speaker doesn't say anything, there will be noise. The field is searchable, but any searches on are full text searches, and therefore expensive. N/A N/A
Transcript The transcript itself. This can be empty, although that is rare; usually even when the speaker doesn't say anything, there will be noise. The field is searchable, but any searches on are full text searches, and therefore expensive. N/A N/A
cTranscriptType Foreign key to tblLVST_Transcripts_cTranscriptType. Part of the primary key set. Indicates the kind of transcription. Currently, transcripts are either word-for-word ('RAW'), or the semantic result ('SEMANTIC'). TranscriptTypeMustExist
Gender Usually, this is the *perceived* sex of the speaker, based on the transcriber's intuition from listening to the audio. It's better if this can be exactly correct, although automated methods are good, too (for example, based on pitch detection). N/A N/A
Notes Notes on the transcription. Searchable, but not indexed, so effectively any search is a full text search of every notes entry. N/A N/A
DateEntered The date this transcription was written. Note that nearly *any* change to the transcription will generate a new entry, including changing the notes, any of the flags, or the transcription itself. N/A N/A
AsideF Marks this transcript as containing speech from the speaker, but not directed at the speech appliction, i.e., the speaker turns their head from the handset, and speaks to someone in the room. Typically, this utterance has to be rejected from usage in training new acoustic models, because the aside speech is really just noise. 1 is true, 0 false. N/A N/A
CheckF Marks this transcript as requiring further review by someone else (usually the transcription manager). LumenVox uses this in cases where a situation arises that isn't in the transcription protocol. 1 is true, 0 false. N/A N/A
ChoppedF Marks this transcript as containing a chopped word, i.e., the end pointing/speech detector started/ended recording inside a word. Typically, this utterance has to be rejected from usage in training new acoustic models, because there won't be a pronunciation for the chopped word in the dictionary, and because there are odd transient effects in the audio. 1 is true, 0 false. N/A N/A
PartialF Marks this transcript as containing a partial word, i.e., the user said a word which wasn't completed. Typically, this utterance has to be rejected from usage in training new acoustic models, because there won't be a pronunciation for the partial word in the dictionary. 1 is true, 0 false. N/A N/A
stTranscriber Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. Identifies the transcriber for this version of this transcript. N/A N/A
Version Identifies the transcript version of this transcript. Bigger version numbers are later versions. N/A N/A

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
notexists Each interaction can have multiple transcriptions of the same type, but they must be marked as different versions. InteractionID, cTranscriptType, Version
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