Configuring Speech Engine Parameters

The Speech Recognition Engine Manager allows you to modify a number of different parameters, including connection settings and speech engine recognition parameters. Consult your vendor�s documentation for appropriate settings for the speech engine. Any changes made in the SRE Manager are automatically used for all subsequent tests in the Grammar Tester.

You can launch the SRE manager by choosing ASR Configuration under the Settings menu from within the Grammar Tester.

Using a Speech Engine Located on a Different Machine

The SRE Manager contains a value to tell the Tuner where the Speech Engine should be found. By default, that value is the local machine's IP address of To alter this and specify a different machine, right-click on PROP_EX_SRE_SERVERS and choose Properties.

This will bring up a window that has the IP address of the Speech Engine's machine. Simply enter the IP address of where you want the Tuner to look for a Speech Engine. The number after the colon is the port number to use.

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