Licensing Overview

If you are using the Speech Tuner with the LumenVox Speech Engine, the Tuner does not require its own license. It makes use of existing Speech Engine licenses. If you install the Tuner on a machine that already has a License Server with Engine licenses, no further configuration is required.

If the Engine itself is located on a different machine, you will need to configure the Tuner to point to that machine to use the Grammar Tester. If your licenses are on a different machine, you'll need to configure the Tuner to use a license on that machine.

If you are using the Speech Tuner with a different speech engine other than the LumenVox Speech Engine, you will need to download and install licenses for that purpose. These licenses are tied to the machine on which they are installed and are not intended to be moved from one machine to another.

  1. To get started licensing, the first thing you must do is install the License Server.
  2. Next, generate a server ID file and upload it to our Web site.
  3. Then you must upload that file and download a license file.
  4. Finally, install the license file.
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