
Table Description:

tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cScoreType maps the type of the score ("INSERTION", "DELETION", "SUBSTITUTION"...) to a Constant value. INSERTION 1 A recognition error. The ASR recognized a word, where there isn't a word in the transcript. DELETION 2 A recognition error. The ASR failed to recognize a word in the transcript. SUBSTITUTION 3 A recognition error. The ASR recognized a different word than the corresponding word in the transcript. OOV_INSERTION 4 A recognition error. The ASR recognzied a word in the grammar, but the corresponding transcript word was not actually in the grammar. This is really a kind of substitution error, and can help pinpoint when noise is causing a recognition problem. NOISE_INSERTION 5 A recognition error. The ASR recognized a word in the grammar, but the corresponding transcript word was not actually in the grammar. This is really a kind of substitution error, and can help pinpoint when noise is causing a recognition problem. MATCH 6 A recognition success. The ASR returned a word which corresponds to the correct word in the transcript. OOV_MATCH 7 A recognition success. The ASR correctly rejected a word from the transcript that is not in the grammar. NOISE_MATCH 8 A recognition success. The ASR correctly rejected a noise. This is usually not included in measurements of word accuracy, because it makes the resulting score highly optimistic. Most ASR's will reject noise correctly. For example, with a digits grammar (0-9, "Oh"): Transcript: 6 2 code ++NOISE++ 7 dash ++LINE++ ASR Results: 1 4 8 oh 7 The score types: TRANSCRIPT ASR SCORETYPE * 1 INSERTION 6 * DELETION 2 4 SUBSTITUTION code 8 OOV_INSERTION ++NOISE++ oh NOISE_INSERTION 7 7 MATCH dash * OOV_MATCH ++LINE++ * NOISE_MATCH

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
ConstantName VARCHAR 900 N/A N/A
ConstantValue INTEGER N/A N/A N/A

Primary Keys:


Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
ConstantName This field indicates the type of the score ("INSERTION", "DELETION", "SUBSTITUTION", "OOV_INSERTION", "NOISE_INSERTION", "MATCH", "OOV_MATCH", "NOISE_MATCH") N/A N/A
ConstantValue The Constant ID for each type of score N/A N/A

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
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