
Table Description:

The grammar tables, of which this is the top level, are necessarily complex, because of the varying ways of using different kinds of grammars. For LV_Concept grammars, the grammar set will only contain a single grammardetailid link, always as root, and with an active grammar identifier of 0. However, SRGS allows multiple, active, root grammars which compete during the decode. In this case, it becomes necessary to track which grammars are root, and which are not, to reconstruct the recognition grammars. LumenVox always stores the subordinate grammar used (external ones referenced by URI from the root or other external grammars); for other systems, the grammars stored may only be th top level grammar.

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
RequestID INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_Requests
ActiveGrammarSet INTEGER N/A 0 tblLVST_GrammarDetail
GrammarDetailID INTEGER N/A 0 tblLVST_GrammarDetail
cIsRoot INTEGER N/A 0 tblLVST_GrammarSet_cIsRoot

Primary Keys:


Foreign Key Reference Table Reference Key
RequestID tblLVST_Requests RequestID
GrammarDetailID tblLVST_GrammarDetail GrammarDetailID
cIsRoot tblLVST_GrammarSet_cIsRoot GrammarDetailID

Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
RequestID Identifies the request this grammar set belongs to. N/A N/A
ActiveGrammarSet Identifies one (there can be more) active grammar set for the requested decode. N/A N/A
GrammarDetailID Identifies the detailed grammar description, including raw and translated forms, etc. N/A N/A
cIsRoot Identifies the grammar detail as the root grammar for this request and active set. Uses "TRUE" and "FALSE" constant values to indicate yes or no. N/A N/A

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
OneRoot There can be only one root for a (request, active grammar set). Every other grammar in that pair must be a subordinate grammar. RequestID, ActiveGrammarSet, IsRoot
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