
Table Description:

tblLVST_InterKeyValue is a fast search index. A number of items are used in multiple searches, so rather than run a separate query for each filter request, and join several tables, this allows the user to do all the queries at once, and insert them into this table. The LVST GUI automatically queries this table to fill out the Filter/Value drop-down boxes. Any modifications done here (for example, adding a [key, value] pair) will be represented in the Tuner, in the next database opened, so you can add custom search fields here, quite easily.

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
stKeyID INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_StringTable
stValueID INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_StringTable

Primary Keys:


Foreign Key Reference Table Reference Key
InteractionID tblLVST_CallInteractions InteractionID
stKeyID tblLVST_StringTable StringID
stValueID tblLVST_StringTable StringID

Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
InteractionID Foreign key into tblLVST_CallInteractions. Identifies the interaction this request belongs to. N/A N/A
InterKeyValueID Autoincrementing primary key N/A N/A
stKeyID Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. Identify the key in the string table. N/A link
stValueID Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. Identify the value in the string table. N/A link

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
notexist There's no reason to have more than one entry of a (key, value) pair for a given interaction. The UNIQUE constraint will keep the query results nice and InteractionID, KeyID, ValueID
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