
Table Description:

This table stores information about the audio data for the interactions. Included are PROMPT, RAW (unprocessed), and POST-PROCESSED audio data. Note that none of these _must_ be present, but if one is missing, that particular audio won't be available. For the Tuner GUI, this means that the audio won't show up in the Audio Control at the bottom of the main window. For efficiency, the audio data itself is stored in an encoded format in tblLVST_AudioData. This arrangement prevents having to load the (usually) very large audio data tables when the user simply wants information about the audio.

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
InteractionID INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_CallInteractions
cAudioType INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_Audio_cAudioType
cAudioFormat INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_Audio_cAudioFormat
AudioLengthInMs FLOAT N/A N/A N/A
AudioLengthInBytes INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
EncodedAudioLengthInBytes INTEGER N/A N/A sqlite_encode_binary sqlite_decode_binary

Primary Keys:


Foreign Key Reference Table Reference Key
InteractionID tblLVST_CallInteractions InteractionID
cAudioType tblLVST_Audio_cAudioType ConstantValue
cAudioFormat tblLVST_Audio_cAudioFormat ConstantValue

Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
AudioID Primary key for this table N/A N/A
InteractionID Foreign key to tblLVST_CallInteractions. Identifies the interaciton this audio data belongs to. N/A N/A
cAudioType Foreign key to tblLVST_Audio_cAudiotype. Identifies the type of the audio. TypeMustExist Foreign Key to tblLVST_Audio_cAudioType.
cAudioFormat Foreign key to tblLVST_Audio_cAudioFormat. Identifies the encoding, bit rate, and sample size of the audio as a single string. For example, the value of SF_8PCM_16KHZ identifies an 8-bit, PCM (linear)-encoded audio file, sampled at 16 kHz. FormatMustExist Foreign key to tblLVST_Audio_cAudioFormat
AudioLengthInMs The length, in milliseconds, of the audio. N/A N/A
AudioLengthInBytes The length, in bytes, of the audio, before encoding using sqlite_encode_binary(). N/A N/A
EncodedAudioLengthInBytes The length, in bytes, of the encoded audio, _stored in the database_. The original audio is usually using sqlite_encode_binary, and should be larger than the unencoded audio. N/A N/A

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
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