
Table Description:

This table represents the actual semantic interpretation from a given result. The table is *NOT* designed to explicitly represent each SI result; instead, it expects the logging system to name the object involved in a way that allows a programmatic approach to rebuilding the object, somehow. For ECMAScript, for example, the following object might be represented in the system as follows:

myobject.primaryphonenumber = '9876541234'
myobject.zipcode = '95070'
myobject.altphonenumberasarray[0] = '12237708'
myobject.altphonenumberasarray[1] = '182743210'
myobject.altphonenumberasarray[2] = '182182'

and might resolve to (in the database):

Object name ObjectType ObjectValue 'myobject', 'object' NULL 'myobject.primaryphonenumber', 'string', '9876541234' 'myobject.zipcode', 'string', '95070' 'myobject.altphonenumberasarray', 'array', NULL 'myobject.altphonenumberasarray[0]', 'string', '12237708' 'myobject.altphonenumberasarray[1]', 'string', '182743210' 'myobject.altphonenumberasarray[2]', 'string', '182182'

This imposes a requirement on the code that *reads* this data; it *must* be able to reconstruct the object based on the the name and values involved. tblLVST_SemanticResults will indicate the particular SI protocol involved (i.e. whether the result is ECMAScript, GSL, LV_Concepts, or something else).

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
SemanticResultID INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
stObjectName INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_StringTable
cObjectType INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
stObjectValue INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
orderFound INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
confidence FLOAT N/A N/A N/A

Primary Keys:


Foreign Key Reference Table Reference Key
SemanticResultID tblLVST_SemanticResults SemanticResultID
stObjectName tblLVST_StringTable StringID
cObjectType tblLVST_SemanticObjects_cObjectType ConstantValue
stObjectValue tblLVST_StringTable StringTable

Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
SOID Autoincrementing primary key. N/A N/A
SemanticResultID Identifies the semantic result this entry belongs to. Foreign key to tblLVST_SemanticResults. N/A N/A
stObjectName Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. Identifies the 'name' of the object. See the table description for its use. N/A N/A
cObjectType Foreign key to tblLVST_SemanticObjects_cObjectType. Identifies the type of the object. See the table description for its use. "STRING", "NUMBER", "OBJECT", "ARRAY", "BOOL" Foreign key to tblLVST_SemanticObjects _cObjectType
stObjectValue Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. Identifies the value of the object. The value *must* be representable as a string. It if isn't, then you probably need to reduce the object to its primitives. N/A N/A
orderFound The order index of the semantic object was found in the semantic result. N/A N/A
confidence The confidence of the semantic Object. It has no confidence if the confidence score is -1 N/A N/A

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
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