
Table Description:

Transcripts which have been evaluated against an ASR result are aligned, token by token. For a given scoring run in tblLVST_ScoringProtocol, this table tracks the aligned tokens. Note that the transcript and SRE are tokens defined by the grammar, not necessarily single words. For example: TRANSCRIPT: my dog buck ASR: dog buick The grammar may have 'my dog' as one token, and 'buck' or 'buick' as a single token. One possible alignment would be: TRANSCRIPT ASR my dog dog buck buick In the case of semantic or grammatical scoring, the transcript token will be either 'YES' or 'NO', and the ASR output token will always be 'YES'; comparing 'YES' to 'YES' or 'NO' to 'YES' indicates whether the semantic or grammar comparisons were successful.

Table structure:

Column Name Data Type Data Length Default Value See Also
TranscriptsAlignedID INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
ScoringProtocolID INTEGER N/A N/A N/A
Sequence INTEGER N/A 0 N/A
Confidence FLOAT N/A 0 N/A
stTranscript INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned
stSREOutput INTEGER N/A N/A tblLVST_StringTable
cInVocabulary INTEGER N/A -1 N/A
cScoreType INTEGER N/A N/A N/A

Primary Keys:


Foreign Key Reference Table Reference Key
ScoringProtocolID tblLVST_ScoringProtocol ScoringProtocolID
stTranscript tblLVST_StringTable StringID
stSREOutput tblLVST_StringTable StringID
cInVocabulary tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cInVocabulary ConstantValue
cScoreType tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cScoreType ConstantValue

Column Descriptions and Constraints:

Column Description Constraint Name Constraint Description
TranscriptsAlignedID Autoincrementing primary key. XXXXXX XXXXXX
ScoringProtocolID The scoring protocol used to derive this alignment. Foreign key to tblLVST_ScoringProtocol. XXXXXX XXXXXX
Sequence The linear order of this alignment, starting at 0 and increasing. For example: ωmy dog buck" TOKEN SEQUENCE my 0 dog 1 buck 2 XXXXXX XXXXXX
Confidence The confidence for the SREOutput. Note that if the SREOutput token is empty (indicating a DELETION), then there won't be a confidence score. Remember that when working with the confidence scores. XXXXXX XXXXXX
stTranscript Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. The transcript token used in this alignment. XXXXXX XXXXXX
stSREOutput Foreign key to tblLVST_StringTable. The output token from the ASR engine. XXXXXX XXXXXX
cInVocabulary Foreign key to tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned _cInVocabalary. Indicates whether the token is in-vocabulary or not. In-vocabulary measurements indicate whether the token is somewhere in the grammar, regardless of whether the transcript actually parses in the grammar or not. In other words, treat all the terminal tokens in a grammar as a bag, and see if this token is in that bag. This allows you to make decisions which indicate whether at least callers are using the right words, if not the correct syntax, nearly always of secondary importance to whether the transcript is In or Out of Grammar. Maps to the ConstantValue indicated by by "IN_VOCABULARY", "OUT_OF_VOCABULARY", "UNKNOWN". "IN_VOCABULARY", "OUT_OF_ VOCABULARY", "UNKNOWN" Foreign key to tblLVST _TranscriptsAligned _cInVocabalary.
cScoreType Foreign key to tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cScoreType. Marks this alignment as being one of the 8 score types in tblLVST_TranscriptsAligned_cScoreType. ScoreTypeMustExist Foreign key to tblLVST _TranscriptsAligned _cInVocabalary.

Table Constraints:

Constraint Name Constraint Description Columns Related
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