Linux Installation Without Packages
The LumenVox License Server installation requires root privileges for successful installation.
Login to your account at our Web site
and download the installation package licenseserver-X.Y.Z-linux-DISTRIBUTION.tar.gz
(X.Y.Z represents the version number License Server and DISTRIBUTION represents the distribution of
Linux you are using).
Unpack the file licenseserver-X.Y.Z-linux-DISTRIBUTION.tar.gz by using the command
tar -xvzf licenseserver-X.Y.Z-linux-DISTRIBUTION.tar.gz
Move into the new directory created by the unpacking process above: cd license_server_$VERSION$/
where $VERSION$ is the version number of the software.
Give the License Server Installer executable permission: chmod +x licenseserver-X.Y.Z-linux-
- Execute the installer: ./licenseserver-X.Y.Z-linux-DISTRIBUTION-installer.bin
This starts an installation wizard which will you through the rest of the install. You will select
your language, accept the license, and then specify an installation directory for the license server.
It is recommended that you use the default directory for installation. Upon completion, you
must log out and log back in before running the program.
Installing the Speech Engine
The LumenVox Speech Engine installation requires root privileges for successful installation.
Login to your account at our Web site
and download the installation package LumenvoxSRE-X.Y.Z-linux-DISTRIBUTION.tar.gz
(X.Y.Z represents the version number Speech Engine and DISTRIBUTION represents the distribution of
Linux you are using) to the installation machine.
Unpack the file using the command tar -xvzf LumenvoxSRE-X.Y.Z-linux-DISTRIBUTION.tar.gz
Move into the new directory created by the unpacking process above by typing cd Lumenvox_SRE-
$VERSION$/where $VERSION$ is the version number of the software.
Give the Speech Engine Installer execute permission: chmod +x engine-X.Y-linux-DISTRIBUTION-
- Execute the installer: ./engine-X.Y-linux-DISTRIBUTION-installer.bin
This starts an installation wizard which will walk you through the rest of the install. You will select
your language, accept the license, and then specify an installation directory for the SRE. The engine
should now be installed and licensed. Upon completion, you must log out and log back in before running
the program.
After you have installed the software, see
Licensing Overview to get started licensing
your software.