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Deprecated - lumenvox_settings.conf

Reference Number: AA-01538 Views: 5020 0 Rating/ Voters

Deprecated Content

This page refers to outdated, obsolete, or deprecated products or software. This is provided for historical reference for users of older releases. Please see our current documentation for lumenvox_settings.conf.

/etc/lumenvox/lumenvox_settings.conf is the main LumenVox configuration file. Itcontrols how the LumenVox software behaves in general; for Asterisk-specific applicationsettings see lumenvox.conf in the /etc/asterisk/ directory. lumenvox_settings.confprimarily specifies where LumenVox software will look for various files.


The [CLIENT] section controls where the client package will look for and store various files.

  • LANGDIR specifies the LumenVox language directory. This is the main directorywhere things like built-in grammars will be stored. It defaults to /etc/lumenvox/Lang
  • LOGSDIR specifies where the client will write its logs. It defaults to /var/log/lumenvox/client
  • RESPONSEDIR specifies where the client will write response files. These arethe .callsre files used by the LumenVox Speech Tuner. By default, this directory is /var/lumenvox/responses
  • CLIENT_PROP_CONFIG specifies the name and location of the clientconfiguration file. It defaults to /etc/lumenvox/client_property.conf


The [SRE] section controls where the server package will look for and store various files.

  • LANGDIR specifies the LumenVox language directory. This is the main directorywhere things like built-in grammars will be stored. It defaults to /etc/lumenvox/Lang
  • LOGSDIR specifies where the server will write its logs. It defaults to /var/log/lumenvox/sre
  • CACHEDIR specifies where the server will cache grammars. It defaults to /var/lumenvox/grammar_cache
  • SRE_SERVER_CONFIG specifies the name and location of the serverconfiguration file. It defaults to /etc/lumenvox/sre_server.conf


The [LICENSE] section controls where the server package will look for and store various files.

  • LOGSDIR specifies where the license server will write its logs. It defaultsto /var/log/lumenvox/license


These sections do not affect the behavior of LumenVox on Asterisk.