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Deprecated - Logging Call Files within Asterisk

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Logging Call Files

The LumenVox Speech Engine features the ability to log call data. These logged calls, which are saved with a '.callsre' extension, can be used for several reasons. They are often referred to as"callSRE files" or "response files."

Their primary purpose is to enable you to fine tune your speech application. These are the files that you would load into our Speech Tuner in order to listen to calls made into your speech application.

They also serve as invaluable tools in troubleshooting speech recognition problems. This is because they contain more than just the recorded audio from the calls. They also house data such as the grammar used, the interpretation received from the Engine, and statistics like confidence scores.

These files will be saved by default to /var/lumenvox/responses/.

Because these filescontain audio, they can take up considerable space once you start saving them. We recommend only saving them when you’ve come across a problem or are trying to tune your application, or if you have an automated way to archive themregularly.

How to Enable .callsre File Saving

In order to set your system to save the response files, you must edit the lumenvox.conf file's SAVE_SOUND_FILES parameter.

The lumenvox.conf file is in etc/asterisk/.

This will be a digit value, 0 – 3.

Types of .callsre Files

As of LumenVox Speech Engine version 9.0, you may save different amounts of information within the callSRE files. The differences are meant to help in troubleshooting specific application problems.

The type of response file to save may be set ineither the client_properties.conf file, or through the SpeechPort API via the SetPropertyEx function. There are four different modes for saving these callSRE files. They are used fordifferent things, so be sure that you’re selecting the appropriate mode. The four types are:


Description: Disables the saving of callSRE files and is the default setting.

Value: 0


Description: Enables the saving of standard callSRE files in the same fashion as pre-9.0 versions. In this mode, audio from speakers is only saved after barge-in has been detected. This mode uses the least disk space, but contains the least amount of audio data.

Value: 1


Description: This mode is not available to Asterisk users. All information captured in the ADVANCED mode can be also be logged using the ALL setting below.

Value: 2


Description: Used to collect all streamed data in all cases. Thisoption collects all streamed data, whether there was a NO_INPUT or TIMEOUT event or not, including untrimmed audio from 'good' decodes. This option can be useful in diagnosingbarge-in problems as well as other potential issues.

Value: 3

There is currently no benefit for users in switching to either the ADVANCED or ALL modes unless LumenVox needs logs for analysis. Selecting these modes increases file storage space usage.